Living a life rich with family, friends, love and support can make choosing your bridal party members a little more challenging. If you have loving siblings, best friends, cousins that have been close enough to be siblings, or even if your partner has siblings that you have bonded with, or want involved in the big day, you may need a little help determining who will make the bridal party cut.
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However, you don’t have to stress over choosing the right people for the job, as there are some tips to assist you with doing so!
Having the opportunity to incorporate loved ones into your day is a great honor! That’s why, here at Ma Maison, as an Austin wedding venue, we have put together a few tips to help you choose the bridal party members for your own big day. If you are all set to discover some great insight, be sure to continue reading:
Sibling Support
Your siblings are a big part of your life, even if you aren’t necessarily close. Without sounding like your parent, it should still be said that your siblings are a permanent part of your family. They will be there years down the road! So, it’s only fair to at least consider asking your siblings, and it may even help you become closer, if you aren’t already.
“Bridesmen” & “Groomswomen”
There are no rules that state that you can only have members of the same sex standing by your side on your big day. If you are a bride and want your brother, cousin, or best guy friend to accompany you as you marry your soulmate, know that you certainly can! The sky will not rain frogs, the oceans will not freeze over, and your wedding won’t be ruined. This is your big day, and you can ask whomever you want to stand by your side.
No Obligations
This point cannot be stressed enough! This is your wedding, and you can do whatever you like. You do not have to plan your big day according to anyone else’s expectations, especially if you and your partner are paying for it. So, even if someone asked you to be a part of their bridal party, that does not mean you are obligated to ask them to join yours. Therefore, don’t ever feel obligated to ask anyone to be a part of your bridal party.
Once you extend invitations to your loved ones to be a part of your bridal party, it would be considered extremely rude to revoke that invitation. Imagine asking your cousin to be a bridesmaid, or a groomsman, and then later deciding that your other best friend would do a better job. You have not only confused the planning of your wedding, but have also seriously disappointed your cousin. So, be completely sure before asking someone to join your bridal party.
Your bridal party plays a huge role in your wedding day! These are just a few tips to assist you with selecting the members for yours.
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Are you prepared to continue on with planning your own nuptials by booking a wedding venue in Dripping Springs, Texas? If so, be sure to book a tour with us today here at Ma Maison, as we would be elated with the opportunity to host your celebration!
Photo Credit: Katherine O’Brien Photography
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